Using Employees to Advance a Business’ Brand

Bryan Ziegenfuse
2 min readNov 19, 2021


Starbucks leads in how businesses can use their employees to advance their brand. By having employees appear in different hairstyles and colors, it’s an attraction to various customers who’re attracted to the various looks. Here’s a description of how this strategy works:

A business cannot use its employees to advance its brand without letting them understand the core mission behind its operations. Being the vision carriers, leaders must ensure all employees align with their company’s mission and values, acting as the driving force for any strategies and actions. Any employee joining a new company receives an orientation of how people operate and the values of the workplace. What ties people working together in a certain workplace, and what differentiates them from other companies, is culture. Employees who understand their workplace’s culture better feel a vital part of any success, working hard to propel their organization forward. Various attributes form culture, including dressing and leadership styles.

Whether it’s making employees feel like a vital part of a company’s mission or culture, it cannot happen in a disjointed workplace where leaders are not transparent. Transparency is the first fundamental goal of any leadership that wishes to build the success of their brand around employees. Including employees as a vital component of success reduces their turnover, encouraging them to improve productivity as they see clear career growth.

In most cases, leaders have a wrong notion that their employees are already flexible as they wish, but the reality is that most employees feel rigidly attached to their workplaces. It’s essential to structure new work schedules where employees have more room to express themselves while incorporating their organization’s brand at heart. Happy employees exert themselves better, increasing their capacity to produce the best representation of their brand to customers and other essential stakeholders. While doing it, every employee must understand that their flexibility should not disadvantage clients at any cost.

In this modern-day and age of technology, social media is the most widely used means of relaying information. Employees already have their social media accounts, which they run with or without permission from their workplaces. Allowing them to advance their company’s brand through a clear social media behavior as part of employment agreement boosts their productivity, ensuring the time they spend online also benefits their workplace.



Bryan Ziegenfuse

Bryan Ziegenfuse, seasoned expert in Philadelphia, from real estate development to financing. Managing Partner at IFundPhilly, securing crucial loans.